Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Journal 3: Red Flag

I fucked up somewhere tonight.

I know I did.

Man, Why do I feel bad.

Another bottle calls me.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Journal 2: A Child who is still Wandering.

HA! HA! I haven't posted here since early this year, this is pretty funny since I tried to keep posting things on this website but nah.

Life has been pretty much an amazing experience, in this whole year alone, I have witnessed so much and yet there is still so much to do.

Of course there is the usual, good experiences and there is the bad experiences.

I have became more content with myself and also I have also grown a strong sense of fear. Decision making has become a strong role in my method of madness. I have created so many options and so many choices that sometimes it feels like an bloody test and I must choose the right answer choice in the answer key.

Every night, I flash back into the days of my youth; the freedom of the world, the playgrounds that were skyscrapers, the times playing with friends. I missed those days.

I remember when I was young, I use to play with toys and anything I could get my hands on. Now, the thing is whenever I played with these toys I began to re-invision where I was at. I literally began to create a world for these toys and began to create a story and made every character play a different role.
Haha I had a knack at making the different voices for each of the characters and also making the sound effects.

Now as I got older, I rarely play with toys (unless I have to take care of my baby cousin) and sadly I am losing interest in playing video games, it's not that fact that I am getting older and maturer it's basically the fact that the college lifestyle has somewhat made my schedules very hectic and grueling so I have no time to play.

I am still trying to catch that dream of becoming a successful Graphic Designer, or at least a successful Artist, whatever type of profession it will be. I am trying to catch my dream, I promised myself then and I am keeping my promise.

I think that is one of the deepest promises I have ever kept in my life. I am not surprised.

I think my dreams are hinting something as I get older, a few nights I keep having the same reoccurring dream, it is a pleasant one but it always ends blurry and distorted.

My life has changed since last month, the month of November.
After I fought my demon, I must now have to face another one soon.
Decisions, Choices, Decisions, Choices...

Good Night, Sunshine.