Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Journal 5: Story of My Life - My Evolife

Well...what to say, I can start with so many stories...

I have to much to say about Me, and it seems rather funny to post my life story online where people can just ridicule me or laugh at my flaws, but it doesn't matter to me. I wanted to get stuff out of my chest for a while so, I might as well start.

That being said, I have the perfect story to talk about:

   My "Love" life.

I am the type of guy that lacks in that department, well...I lack in knowing what a girl wants a majority of the time. Ever since I was a little kid, I was a shy kid whenever I had the chance to talk to a girl. I either get embarrassed, mega nervous,  or even afraid to even look at their eyes.

Following those statements, my luck with getting a girlfriend has been shot and sometimes short lived and I knew that my relationships would be affected by that. Throughout High School, I've always had a One month-relationship, and it seems to stick.

Now finally out of High School, I decided, why not...I can change who I am or at least better myself in College. Which, I have. I have been more active with My Friends and Colleagues, I have had the chance to speak in front of large audiences, I have been making video logs on Youtube, I have been asking, learning, and understanding people better.

Will all of these alone, help me out in my relationships? Nah. Not really.
I have went out on a variety of dates while I am in College, most of them, if not all, are with different girls. I learn who they are and they know who I am. But in the end of the day, I know that I might not see them again or I know there won't be any strong connection between Me and them. Chances are they find another guy and they start a relationship with them, I am ok with that.

The last "relationship" I had since College was with this one girl, (her name will not be mentioned in this Journal for the Good Guy in Me is just like that.) this girl was pretty much a different person than me, and the moments we shared were like a roller-coaster ride. I swear, I never witnessed anything like this and I know some of the problems I am to blame, and I know for a fact she is to blame too. Anyways, I still talk to her, but sparsely. She is living her life, and I...well I am managing my future.

I think that's all I talk about, My Future. Maybe that's why Girls get that problem with Me. I think all of these casual datings, one month relationships, and being so headstrong and driven to accomplish something has messed up with my "love" life.

I honestly don't believe in "love," I gave up on that word since I was thirteen.
You know? I don't think I would ever want to get Married or have a kid. 

I am still waiting for a girl to prove me wrong, for a girl to at least appreciate the fact that I am still pursuing a dream that should have died years ago. A girl who wants to pursue their dream as well, and try to make a change or a girl who wants to live for the moment with me.

This is what's funny, all my friends consider me the guy with "wisdom" or the guy who knows the world. And I do, living around the states, also reading news articles, and experiencing multiple things in my life time help me build street smarts. I always give my friends advice, with their relationship problems and yet I can't even save myself.

I know I am young, still young. And I know I am attracted to the opposite sex, I know I will be attracted to Females. I also have a feeling that I will probably go on a few more dates and such. I just hope I can start a longer relationship, while I am still here. But I am not too desperate for one right now...

Sometimes, I like ignore everything that involves with emotions. Maybe that's why my Journal is called the Emotional Journal of the Unemotional Guy? Hmm.

Well, I think I said enough, I might make more excerpts of the Story of My Life in My Journal. I might make this entry a part two. I am not sure, stay tune.

I promise.

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